

A multi-national team of 10 persons (3 Indian, 2 French, 1 American, 1 Dutch, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Canadian and 1 German) is committed to the realization of this project. The team is made of four qualified teachers who have built up years of experience in teaching second-languages both within and outside Auroville, and welcomes as well four teachers who have recently started teaching. Two persons function as coordinators and there is close collaboration with the architect.

The project is a project of the Auroville Foundation and funds will be received through the Auroville Fund, which is recognized under the Indian Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA). Indian donations made out to Auroville Fund, specifying the Auroville Language Lab, are exempt under Section 80(G) of the Indian Income Tax Act. The Auroville Language Laboratory is a registered member of the International Association of Language Learning Technologies, USA .


After an initial grant to cover the running costs for the first 5 years, the Laboratory would aim to be self-sufficient in the future. Various possibilities are being explored:
  • Running costs will be partially covered by sale of materials produced by the Laboratory. Liaisons with key publishing houses in India and possibly abroad and with certain state and central government agencies will be made to this end.
  • The Snack Bar will be self-supporting. A charge for photocopies, video, audio and CD copying facilities may be considered.
  • Building maintenance needs may be partially met by the Sri Aurobindo Institute of Educational Research at Auroville.
  • It should be noted that in Auroville, the teachers are all volunteers who do not receive salaries but are, for the most part, maintained by the community.